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- Documentation for TI58C.PRG
- ---------------------------
- Data Entry keys
- ___ ___
- | 0 | through | 9 | - Enters digits 0 through 9. The numeric keypad can
- --- --- also be used to enter numbers and functions. The
- ENTER key corresponds to the = key and the Clr Home
- key corresponds to the CLR key.
- ___
- | . | - Decimal point - Enters decimal point.
- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| | 3 | - Enters the value for PI (3.141592) only to 6 digits until I
- --- --- can get true double precision variables.
- ___
- |+/-| - Change sign - changes the sign of he displayed number.
- ---
- Clearing Operations
- ___
- | CE| - Clear Entry - Clears entries made with the digit, decimal point, and
- --- change-sign keys only when pressed before a function key.
- ___
- |CLR| - General Clear - Clears calculations in progress and the display.
- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |CMs| - Clear Memory Storage - Clears all 30 of the memory registers.
- --- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| | CP| - Clear Program - Clears the program currently in memory.
- --- ---
- Dual Function Keys
- ___
- |2nd| - Enter function above any key. Must be followed by the key whose
- --- function lies just above the key.
- ___
- |INV| - The inverse key reverses the purpose of the key that follows. The
- --- inverse key can be used with the following keys:
- Function Inverse Function
- -------- ----------------
- lnx e to the x power
- log 10 to the x power
- y to the x power xth root of y
- Int fractional part
- Prod divide into memory
- SUM subtract from memory
- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
- Basic Functions - | + | | - | | X | | / | | = | These functions are also
- --- --- --- --- --- available by pressing the
- corresponding key on the
- numeric keypad where the
- ENTER key is the = key.
- ___ ___
- Parenthesis - | ( | | ) |
- --- ---
- ___
- |1/x| - Reciprocal - Calculate the reciprocal of the value x by dividing
- --- x into 1.
- ___
- |lnx| - Natural Logarithm - Calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of the
- --- value in the display.
- ___ ___ x
- |INV| |lnx| - Natural Antilog e - Calculates the natural antilog, e to the
- --- --- power x, where x is the value in the display.
- ___
- |log| - Common Logarithm - Calculates the common logarithm (base 10) of the
- --- value in the display.
- ___ ___
- |INV| |lnx| - Common Antilog - Calculates the common antilog, 10 to the
- --- --- power x, where x is the value in the display.
- Angle Calculations
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Deg| - angles will be measured in decimal degrees.
- --- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Rad| - angles will be measured in radians.
- --- ---
- ___ ____
- |2nd| |Grad| - angles will be measured in grads.
- --- ----
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |sin| - Calculates sine of an angle.
- --- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |cos| - Calculates cosine of an angle.
- --- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |tan| - Calculates tangent of an angle.
- --- ---
- ___ ___ ___
- |2nd| |sin| |1/x| - Calculates cosecant of an angle.
- --- --- ---
- ___ ___ ___
- |2nd| |cos| |1/x| - Calculates secant of an angle.
- --- --- ---
- ___ ___ ---
- |2nd| |tan| |1/x| - Calculates cotangent of an angle.
- --- --- ---
- Integer and Absolute Value
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Int| - Discards the fractional part of the number in the display.
- --- ---
- ___ ___ ___
- |INV| |2nd| |Int| - Discards the integer portion of the number in the display.
- --- --- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| ||x|| - Absolute alue - Makes the value in the dislay positive.
- --- ---
- Fixed Point Display
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Fix |X - Sets fixed point to X decimal places where X ranges from 0-8.
- --- ---
- ___ ___ ___
- |INV| |2nd| |Fix| - Cancels fixed point display, returns display to normal.
- --- --- --- INV 2nd 9 will do cause the same result.
- Square and Square Root
- ___
- | 2|
- | x | - Calculates the square of the number in the display.
- ---
- ___
- | _|
- |\/x| - Calculates the square root of the number in the display.
- ---
- Roots and Powers
- ___
- | x|
- | y | - Raises the display value y to the x power. The entry sequence is
- --- y key x followed by an operation or an = key.
- ___ ___
- | | | x|
- |INV| | y | - Takes the x root of the value y in the display. The entry
- --- --- sequence is y INV key x followed by an operator of an = key.
- Memory Functions
- ___
- |STO|XX - Store - Stores the display value into memory register XX.
- ---
- ___
- |RCL|XX - Recall - recalls and displays the value stored in memory registed XX
- --- and retains the value in XX.
- Direct Register Arithmetic
- ___
- |SUM|XX - Memory Sum - adds the display value to the contents of the data
- --- register XX and stores the result in XX.
- ___ ___
- |INV| |SUM|XX - Memory Subtract - Subtracts the display value from the contents
- --- --- of data ragister XX and store the result in XX.
- ___
- |Prd|XX - Memory Product - multiplies the display value to the contents of the
- --- data register XX and stores the result in XX.
- ___ ___
- |INV| |Prd|XX - Memory Divide - Divides the contents of data register XX by
- --- --- the display value and stores the result in XX.
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Exc|XX - Memory/Display exchange - exchanges the contents of data
- --- --- register XX with the display value. The display value is
- stored and the previous stored value is displayed.
- Printing Functions
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Prt| - Print the displayed value on the line printer if it is on-line.
- --- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Adv| - Advance the paper in the printer one line.
- --- ---
- Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation
- ___ ______
- |2nd| |Sigma+| - Enter cumulative data. Display will show number of entries
- --- ------ currently in table.
- ___ ___ ______
- |INV| |2nd| |Sigma+| - Cancel cumulative entry. Number of table entries will
- --- --- ------ decrease by 1. a value must precede these keys that
- will be subrtacted from the table. Display will show
- number of entries currently in table.
- ___ ___
- |2nd| | x |(above the 6 key) - Calcules the mean of the values entered
- --- --- in the above (Sigma+) fashion.
- ___ ___ ___
- |INV| |2nd| | x |(above the 6 key) - Calculate the standard deviation of
- --- --- --- values entered in the Sigma+ fashion.
- ___ ___
- |2nd| | Op|11 - Calculates the variance of the values entered in the Sigma+
- --- --- fashion.
- The total of the numbers entered in the table is in memory register 1, the
- number ef enrties is in memory register 3, and the sum of the squares
- of the entries is in memory register 2.
- Op Functions
- ___ ___
- |2nd| | Op|10 - Signum function - returns the following:
- --- --- display > 0 returns 1
- display = 0 returns 0
- display < 0 returns -1
- ___
- |RST| - Reset - Resets the program counter to the first instruction of the
- --- program.
- Programming
- ___
- |SST| - Single Step - Advance the display and program counter up by 1
- --- instruction.
- ___
- |BST| - Back Step - Move the diplay and program counter back one instruction.
- ---
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Ins| - Insert - Moves all the instructions starting at the current
- --- --- one up by one so another instruction may be put at the
- current location.
- ___ ___
- |2nd| |Del| - Delete - Deletes the current instruction and moves all of the
- --- --- following instructions down by one to fill the empty
- memory location.
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